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[Python regius] Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 04 Noi 2010, 13:54
de paketel
Rhea (mama primilor 6 Zei Olimpieni) este fetita mea de Piton Regal.Deocamdata nu prea sunt multe de spus despre ea,pt ca a intrat de curand in viata mea (24 octombrie 2010). Ce pot spune in schimb este ca ii plac mult soriceii,sentimentul nefiind reciproc. :D Alte detalii despre caracter voi afla pe parcurs. Pana atunci cateva poze de introducere. ;) Enjoy!








Cam atat! See ya! :wave:

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 11 Noi 2010, 12:37
de paketel
O noua sedinta foto.Enjoy!











The end! :wave:

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 27 Noi 2010, 18:41
de paketel
Un mic update:Rhea are 52cm! :thumbup:

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 27 Noi 2010, 20:34
de Monitor
Hi Paketel...

Nice Snake, looks healty and seems she eat good.... and the cage is also very nice... Python-like... :thumbup:

But make her a favor: Python live 95% of there life in the underground, in small caves, under wood etc...
Give her a the chance to hide herself ..... for example a helaved cork tube.... it's much less stress for her.....

best regards...

P.S. I hope you understand english... I still don't know "limba romana* :shifty:

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 28 Noi 2010, 20:59
de paketel
Tkx for the advice.i will look for something nice to buy and place it in the terarium.Honestly i did't put anything because i want her to get use to me and the enviromet,and not just spend all day long hidding in that cave.I have the other snake ( Pustiu' ) who spent the first 6 months hidding all day and not let me have the chance to see him in all his beauty in the day-light. I will consider to try this method.
Best regards,also!

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 30 Noi 2010, 01:07
de Trancer
E greu sa intelegi animalul care defapt se acomodeaza in ritmul lui nu in ritmul TAU Paketel ? trebuie sa`l obligi tu cumva sa stea expus cand e inca pui , nu prea conteaza ca il stresezi asa`i ? ca pe vremea lu nea` Nicu`, daca nu vrei te fac sa vrei pentru ca trebuie. urat, foarte urat din partea unui asa zis detinator de serpi, trebuia sa citesti ca sunt animale cu rabdare de fier si de natura mai retrasa, te asteptai sa zburde,si daca nu zburda il fortezi tu s`o faca, chit ca bubuie de stres. Urat hobby ti`ai ales ,te cam bate, scuza`ma pentru ofense, mi le asum .

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 30 Noi 2010, 01:55
de olarasu.marian
Haideti sa nu dam nastere unor discutii inutile si sa ne pastram calmul. Suntem aici sa dam sfaturi si indicatii nu sa facem remarci rautacioase. Eu inteleg ce spui tu Trancer, si sunt convins ca si paketel intelege, dar atitudinea asta nu rezolva nimic, ba din contra.
Pana la urma fiecare isi creste animalele cum poate si cum vrea pe riscul propriul si al animalului. Important este sa atragem atentia, atunci cand este cazul, asupra greselilor de intretinere intr-un mod civilizat, cu siguranta ar face mai mult bine decat daca ne-am certa.

Va rog sa continuati discutiile fara jigniri.

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 30 Noi 2010, 10:14
de Sloby
Radule nu se streseaza deloc animalul.La mine am 3 regali si unde crezi ca le place sa stea mai mult....La vedere, ca stau sub bec sau in orice alt loc tot la vedere stau.In ascunzatori cam rar i-am vazut.
Asa ca lasa omu' in pace! :lol: :thumbup:

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 30 Noi 2010, 10:43
de Akyy1994
Superb sarpele paketel ! :thumbup:
De cand imi doresc si eu un piton regal..dar inca locuiesc cu mama :problem:

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 30 Noi 2010, 13:18
de paketel
@Trancer:poate ar trebui sa citesti cu atentie ceea ce am poate tot cu aceeasi atentie ar trebui sa te uiti si la celelalte topicuri ale mele si ai sa vezi in ce conditii traiesc ceilalti serpi.hobbyul pe care mi l-am ales nu e deloc zis ca doar sincer de 1 luna jumatate de cand tot"incerc" sarpele se simte perfect,mananca de fiecare data cu aceeasi "pofta" si seara e f activ,ca sa nu mai spun ca a crescut cam 4-6 cm din octombrie.deci sincer nu vad nimic gresit in o nuca de cocos pt ascunzatoare dar e mica si nu incape in ea.astept sa imi fac unu acum sau sa imi cumpar...
@restu:ms pt aprecieri si da mereu am luat in considerare un sfat indiferent pe ce ton ( sau jignire ) a fost spus.


Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 30 Noi 2010, 19:53
de Monitor
Hi guys..... ups...! Please don't fight about point of view....

I give this proposal with 30 years of experience.... but everyone make his one experience!

Let's talk about the ball's.... I sell hundreds of them to so many diffrent people and i know almost all the "problems" they had....

the best way to keep a ball is on a PVC-Box, with carpet inside and a cave. And water.... best temperatur 27.5°C,
humidity 70%.....
No light....

This is not a nice cage for spend time to look inside, but it's the most natural life you can give to a Ball. Imagine yourself a small cave in the underground of the savannah-forest somewhere in Ghana, Africa.....

The best you can do is to bring in your cage this perimeters....

You don't have a Show in your home, but you have a natural habitat!

If your Ball like to stay under the light, she probably don't have an enough warmly cave... she looks for a warmer place under your spot....

If Balls run arround in the cage on daytime, it's because they don't have enough humidity in the cave... or it's not warm enough...

so, sometimes it looks that you have a happy snake in your cage... hanging in the trees and smiling to you... but the truth is diffrent.... she simply don't have the chance to live here natural life...

Please, never forget: A Ball is not a Homepet to handle every day and to keep like a cat....
It's a Wild Animal in your hands and need the most possible care to offer a natural life!

What you think about a bird in a small cage? Is he happy? He sing, he eat, he drink and he has beautiful colors...
But he never is a happy animal..... Don't make your snake be a bird.....

OK, maybe someones hate me now, others maybe share my point of view...

I just talk about a huge experience and breeding succes for many years with this wonderful animal .........

Be a profesional, not a beginner.......

best regards

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 01 Ian 2011, 19:15
de paketel
Alta "burtica plina" la alt "Soare"! :thumbup:


See ya! :wave:

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 13 Ian 2011, 20:43
de nicuoncioiu
[quote="paketel"]Alta "burtica plina" la alt "Soare"! :thumbup:


creste frumusica , o sa ii ajunga pe ai mei :P

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 14 Ian 2011, 13:27
de paketel
creste asa e!dar e o PITZI si o rasfatata.mananca doar cand are chef(la 5 9 14 zile) si nici nu vrea sa naparleasca(o am din 24 octombrie).ce pot cam joak cu nervii mei. :lol:

Re: Jurnalul lui Rhea by Paketel

Scris: 16 Ian 2011, 22:39
de andrei0001
am vz ca vinzi terariul si soarecii ...vinzi si pitonul ?